HEALTOGETHER CIC offers a variety of support and information services to empower the Somali community in Newham to make informed choices and be successful in all areas of their lives while preserving their identity. Kindly keep in mind that our support services are only available to the Somali community in Newham.

Signposting services - We can connect you with experts who can help with your needs beyond our capabilities.

Advocacy - We advocate for this community to have fair and equal access to healthcare services and more so they can contribute, flourish, and thrive in their host communities.

Shaah & Sheeko - Our community holds a weekly coffee & chat morning to alleviate isolation and loneliness. This session is specifically for Somali speakers, so please refer residents with Somali-speaking backgrounds.

Service statistics
Usually replies in 9 days
42% of referrals accepted
Service access criteria: Minority Ethnic communities in particular Somali, Ethiopian and Eritrean Communities in Newham.
Connecting with others
Additional needs catered for:
Non English speaking friendly
healtogether cic, heal together cic, healtogether, heal together, somali, somali community, advocacy, Ethiopian, Ethiopia, Eritrean, Eritrea
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.