BereaveMENt - Men's Virtual Support Group

We exist to meet the needs and overcome the isolation experienced by people over 18 who have been bereaved by suicide.

Our bereaveMENt group is a peer support group for men who may feel more comfortable speaking to other men about their loss to suicide.

In society some men may feel isolated in their grief and often do not feel comfortable expressing their feelings or talking about their loss. All men bereaved by suicide loss need a space where they can talk openly and listen to others who understand. We ran a survey and found many men felt they would be able to express their feelings more openly within a male only setting.

We have now launched our bereaveMENt virtual meetings on line and all men over the age of 18, who have been impacted by suicide loss, are welcome to join us.

We meet once a month, on the 2nd Tuesday, and the meeting lasts for around 90 minutes.  There is no set structure to the session – people are free to talk and listen as they wish.

We understand that it can take a lot of courage to come to a group.  You do not have to talk if you do not want to, some people take great comfort in listening to the experience of others.  You do not have to sign up or come every month, you can come when you feel you need to, even if it is once a year.  Most people do return after their first meeting and find that over time, they gain the confidence to speak about themselves.

Service access criteria: Bereaved by Suicide
Social prescribing
Additional needs catered for:
Wheelchair accessible
Physical disability friendly
Takes place in the client’s home
Virtual, suicide, bereavement, support
Who can refer: Self referrals only
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