Jobseekers Support

If you are searching for a job the Love London Working team will be able to support you. No matter how long you have been unemployed for or what barriers you may be facing such as health, disability or single parenthood – our team is here to assist you.

Love London Working is a training and employment programme that aims to help anyone over the age of 16 years living in London into employment.

We offer a range of support including training opportunities, financial support and help developing key skills such IT. In addition to this we provide support with CV writing, job applications and interview practice.loyed

If you are searching for a job the Love London Working team will be able to support you. No matter how long you have been unemployed for or what barriers you may be facing such as health, disability or single parenthood – our team is here to assist you.

Service statistics
Usually replies in 22 days
17% of referrals accepted
Service access criteria: 16+, London based, Unemployed 
Adult education and learning
Careers advice
Computers and IT skills
Employment and training initiatives
Additional needs catered for:
employment, support, financial
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.