
#Befriending Our befriending service provides friendship and support for older people in the community to ensure they do not become lonely or socially isolated. Age UK Westminster can help you, or an isolated person you know, to find a friend who will come and visit once or twice a week. Perhaps for a chat and a cup of tea, or as company on a walk, or perhaps on an outing to the theatre. A helping hand or a listening ear can make a difference particularly for those that are housebound or have mobility difficulties. #Telephone Befriending Age UK Westminster also offers the 'Telafriend' Telephone Befriending service which is a free telephone friendship service that matches volunteers with older members of the public to have a weekly 20 minutes minimum chat together. Our volunteer telephone befrienders are all DBS security checked and will contact you weekly on a day or days that suit you. Our services are aimed at older people (60+) who are: - housebound - living alone - isolated - lonely - and have agreed to be referred to Age UK Westminster The Befriending service provides companionship and support, but please note that our Befriending volunteers are not qualified carers. #Limitations - Befriending Volunteers do not have Mental Health training and it is with regret that we cannot provide Befriending services for people who have significant Mental Health problems or cases where the client has been diagnosed with advanced stages of Dementia whereby specialist training and support would be required. - We are also unable to provide assistance for wheelchair users (pushing wheelchairs) as volunteers are not trained in this area.

Service statistics
Usually replies in 17 days
29% of referrals accepted
Service access criteria: 60+, living in Westminster, not significant mental health problems or advanced stages of dementia
Additional needs catered for:
Vision impairment friendly
Takes place in the client’s home
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.