Membership to The Ehlers-Danlos Support UK (EDS UK) has free and paid membership levels and provides people and families touched by EDS /HSD access to local peer support groups, both Face to face and online, online management information via a comprehensive website, regional closed Facebook groups and much more. The charity also hosts a GP toolkit and a Schools Toolkit which is free and available for anyone to access the information.
There is also a freephone Adviceline available 9am - 5pm Tuesday and Friday. 0800 907 8518
The Ehlers-Danlos Support UK is a Charity registered in England and Wales (1157027) and Scotland (SC046712). A company limited by guarantee. Registered Company in England and Wales (8924646). Registered Address: International House, 45-55 Commercial Street, London, E1 6BD.
We are happy to assist people diagnosed or self diagnosed. Free or paid membership is required to access the support.