Improving Lives Plymouth ACTIVE FOR ALL

Active for All is a service which supports and promotes physical activity for adults (18+) with disabilities and long-term health conditions. The main service user groups we work with are adults with mental health support needs and/ or learning disabilities. The aim of Active for All is to improve health and well-being by helping people find something active they can do regularly and enjoy. Regular activities delivered in the local community, which include Boccia, Football and Walking. Courses of taster sessions to encourage people to try different activities and find something they enjoy (please contact us for information regarding current taster sessions). A buddying service which provides support for the first few weeks at a new activity or sports club.

For an up to date, easy to read timetable please email.

Service statistics
Usually replies in 6 days
93% of referrals accepted
Connecting with others
Getting active
Healthy lifestyle
Managing a long-term health condition
Mental health
Service access criteria:
Additional needs catered for:
Learning difficulty friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
Active, friendly, relaxed, healthy, community
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