Remap Berkshire MakeAbility - an entirely free service

Welcome to Remap Berkshire

Remap Berkshire is a branch of Remap, a national charity.  We provide free custom-made equipment and gadgets that are not available to go out and buy.  Our skilled volunteers provide innovative, practical solutions to everyday challenges encountered by people of all ages with special needs or disability.

We are supported by a grant from Reading Borough Council, community groups, and other donations.

Our small group of dedicated volunteer engineers help those with disabilities or special need to overcome everyday challenges and improve their quality of life or independence. We do this by adapting existing equipment, or by making new equipment and gadgets.  The service is both bespoke and free.

Our service

Are you prevented from doing what you want to do by a medical condition or disability?

Do you want more independence in your life?

We will try to help you by adapting your existing equipment or making you a gadget that will make a difference.  

The equipment we make is free of charge and made just for you.  To find out more, you can contact us directly on 07790 127 123, or ask your occupational therapist or other healthcare professionals to make a formal referral.  

We will send an engineer to visit you, agree what is needed, and make it for you.  As easy as that.

We cover the area of Berkshire, but there are other branches that cover the rest of the country; just click on the link below.

Service statistics
Usually replies in 1 day
50% of referrals accepted
Additional needs catered for:
Waiting list (weeks): 0
Wheelcchair Modifications, Washroom & Access Solutions, Mobility Assistance, Window Openers, Kitchen Aids
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