Health And Wellbeing Team- PCCO Lister House

Health And Wellbeing Coaches

Health and Wellbeing coaches role is to guide and support patients in behaviour change, so that they can gain the skills, knowledge and confidence to make positive lifestyle changes to better manage their health and wellbeing. We work closely with patients who are at risk or living with a long term condition such as high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma or diabetes, We work with patients over an agreed period of time to discuss what is important and what matters to them. Patients choose their own goals and we work together to explore the choices options and create a plan to achieve their goals.

Social Prescribing

Social prescribers are health professionals based in GP practices. We work closely with GPs to assist patients with their non-medical needs. We do this by helping them identify, 'what matters to them'. Working collaboratively to create a care plan, which may include referrals into local services and organisations within the community. We work with patients on a short term basis, depending on an individuals need. 

Our hope is for patients to have a better quality of life. Ultimately supporting them to improve their overall health and wellbeing, via connecting them to community groups and statutory services for support. For example; social groups like games club, financial and benefit advisors, gardening clubs, sports programmes and much more.

The Health and Wellbeing Team supports the following GP practices:

Lister House Chellaston

Oakwood Medical Centre

Lister House at Coleman Street

Lister House Peartree

Service statistics
Usually replies in 2 days
98% of referrals accepted
Service access criteria: 18+ without complex mental health needs
Social prescribing
Additional needs catered for:
social prescribing, Health and wellbeing coach
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.