HH Red Cross - Hull and East Riding

Refer FOR:  Loneliness and Isolation: Individual is willing and able to be connected to community assets and can work towards accessing these independently or with support from other services. Domestic Tasks: Coordinators can signpost individuals to organisations offering domestic support but cannot advise individuals on who to choose.  Individual must be willing to pay for these services if not eligible for care package. Medication: Coordinators can work with GP/Chemist and other organisations to set up deliveries, blister packs etc but the individual must be able to manage these independently thereafter. Shopping: Coordinators can support individuals to set up online shopping and access organisations delivering meals/fresh produce.  Individual will need to be willing to access online facilities with support and/or pay for delivery services. Welfare, entitlements, and benefits: Coordinators can connect individuals to other services and support with applications Debt: Coordinators can connect individuals to other services, grants and CAB and support individuals to organise and independently manage their finances, access online banking, payment plans etc. Housing and Homelessness: Coordinators can connect individuals to other services, support with housing applications and homelessness presentation Reablement: Coordinators can connect individuals to universal services and other organisations and support individuals to regain confidence and independence after a setback. Mental Health: Coordinators can support individuals with low level mental health issues to access relevant statutory support and/or VSCs and community assets and build confidence, or they can work alongside primary/secondary care organisations in cases of more long term, moderate mental health illness, to access additional support and/or community assets, as part of their support/network.
Basic necessities (food/clothes)
Mental health support
Connecting with others
Information and advice
Mental health
Services for older people
Additional needs catered for:
Takes place in the client’s home
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.