Brixham Does Care

Brixham Does Care is a registered befriending charity founded in 1978, which attempts to combat loneliness, isolation and despair. We offer support to people of all ages and client groups in communities.

Our Aims: 

To support and be supported by the local community; To enhance quality of life, education, health and social welfare; To enhance the independence of vulnerable people; To enhance befriending support to all those in need.

Our Objectives:

To provide:

- A source of solace and encouragement to those whose lives are impaired by loneliness, ill health or the threat of despair
- Moral support and guidance through periods of crisis
- The opportunity to make friends and feel valued
- A visiting service to support people in their own homes

To make available:

- A community room and meeting room for companionship
- A cafe offering low cost refreshments which is open from 10am – 1pm weekdays
- Befriending support
- Benefit promotion and direction
- Confidential listening ear
- Advocacy
- Carers support
- Information and signposting
- Coach outings
- Minibus outings
- Luncheon club
- Books on wheels
- Jig-saw lending
- Volunteer opportunities

Connecting with others
Support for carers
Befriending, Group Activities, Carers Support, Advocacy
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