Sakina - Maternal mental health service

Sakina means peace in Arabic.

It's something we all hope for, but for expectant or new mothers, peace can be something that's hard to find.

The change to our bodies and our lives when we welcome a new baby can be both wonderful and challenging. While we feel it should be the happiest of times, that's not always the reality.

You're not alone though, we're here for you and can help you if you're struggling.

Who is this service for?
If you're pregnant, or you're a mother to a child under two years of age, then the Sakina Project is here for you.

To access our support you must be

  • aged 18+
  • living in Middlesbrough

What we can do to help you

As an expectant or new mother, it's common to feel isolated or sad. You may feel as though you've lost your identity a little or that you're struggling to connect with other people as easily. 

Some new mothers can experience anxiety or depression. It's important to remember though, that you're not alone and there are lots of other new mothers feeling exactly the same.

Through The Sakina Project we can help you by

  • understanding what you're finding hard and working with you to find a way through it
  • providing support that works for you 
  • helping you find social activities that work for you and your baby 
  • working with you to boost your confidence and self esteem
  • linking you to peer support groups so you can meet with other mothers in a similar situation to share experiences
Service access criteria: Expecting mother or have a child under 2 years old, 18+ and living in Middlesbrough
Basic necessities (food/clothes)
Mental health support
Mental health
Additional needs catered for:
Vision impairment friendly
Hearing impairment friendly
Wheelchair accessible
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Takes place in the client’s home
Non English speaking friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
maternal, mental health, mother
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