Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Staffordshire

Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is about using everyday conversations to help people make changes to improve their physical and mental wellbeing by signposting to local services. Training includes helping others to find solutions and create behaviour change plans.

The training is very participatory using participants own experiences and beliefs. Each session is unique as it uses these prior experiences to prompt reflection and improved practice. This gives practical skills that can be used immediately following the course.

Rather than telling people what to do, Making Every Contact Count is about recognising opportunities to talk to people about their wellbeing using the skills of asking and listening.

Service access criteria: Staffordshire Organisations ,Workplaces , Volunteers and Staff, who support individuals with behaviour change to support their health and wellbeing
Connecting with others
Healthy lifestyle
Information and advice
Mental health
Social prescribing
Additional needs catered for:
Waiting list (weeks): 0
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