Treetops Wellbeing Cafe

Every Thursday at the hospice
The Wellbeing Cafe is open to anyone affected by a life limiting illness or bereaved and their family members, carers and friends who are looking for some help.

It’s nice to be treated normally here. When people are ill, others tend to treat you differently when that’s not what you need. It’s helped me and come at the right time
We can offer you one-to-one chats with experienced staff and volunteers in a relaxed environment:

To answer any questions you have about your diagnosis
To find out about what's important to you and how we can help you achieve this
To offer advice and practical suggestions on how to help you maintain your independence and help you to continue 'being you'
Hot drinks, savoury snacks and cakes are available

The cafe runs every  Thursday, 10am to 3pm, here at Treetops Hospice, Derby Road, Risley, DE72 3SS.

Connecting with others
Information and advice
Managing a long-term health condition
Support for carers
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