March Library

March Library offers a wide range of services to support your health and well-being, including activities, information, free PCs and internet access, study space, books to borrow and online resources.

There are some groups (e.g. Reading Groups), activities and performances that are charged for.  Please refer to the library website or Facebook posts. 

For information about library charges, such as printing, and concessions, please visit their website. 

While the Library welcome donations, library membership, many events and most of the resources and services are free, including:

Standard books and individual music scores
Junior and young adult spoken words CDs
eBooks, eAudio, e-Comics, eMagazines and eNewspapers
Online resources
PC use and WiFi
Digital skill assistance

Information and advice
Additional needs catered for:
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.