Supporting New Mums – CPSL Mind Cambridge

If you are struggling with your mental health during pregnancy or two years after giving birth, then you can self-refer to this service, which includes:

Mums Matter - A structured eight week course for mums who are experiencing mental health challenges for up to two years after giving birth (for example anxiety, worrying thoughts or depression). It’s an opportunity to meet other mums going through similar experiences whilst learning some tips and techniques to look after your mental health. A creche facility is provided.

Connecting Mums - An informal six week course that helps pregnant women and new mums meet each other and find ways to stay emotionally and physically well – particularly useful if you are experiencing low self-esteem or are feeling socially isolated. Volunteers and staff are on hand to look after children in the room. At present, Connecting Mums is only available in Peterborough & Fenland.

Peer Support Groups - Connect with other mums in person (depending on where you live) or online via Zoom.
One-to-One Support Up to twelve sessions for mums who are particularly vulnerable or are being discharged from the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust’s Perinatal Mental Health Service.

If you aren’t comfortable self-referring, you can ask a health professional to refer you instead (a GP, health visitor or midwife). There’s more information on the website as well as a referral form for you or a healthcare professional to complete.

Connecting with others
Information and advice
Mental health
Service access criteria:
Additional needs catered for:
Post natal support, New Mum, Parents, Advice & Info
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.