Chair yoga

Chair yoga takes place on alternate Wednesdays 6.30-7.30pm with time for a cuppa and a chat beforehand in the reception area of Falkland Surgery at 6pm. A chance to have 'me time' to recharge our batteries and improve our physical and mental health. The sessions are a gentle mix of Hatha and Kundalini Yoga seated on a chair, mindfully connecting Movement, Posture and Breath. Giving ourselves time and space to be compassionate towards ourselves, with the intention of focusing on stretching muscles, working with the major joints and physical balance. The benefits of this practice are improved flexibity, mobility and posture, a tool for healthily coping with anxiety and depression, reduces stress, is proven to help lower blood pressure and makes a healthier respiritory system... amogst other benefits. Encouraging quietness of mind and self-awareness and ultimately beneficial for our complete health and wellbeing.

Yoga has proved to be of great benefit to the patients participating, helping with mobility and reducing stress

Service access criteria: Kennet PCN patients
Getting active
Healthy lifestyle
Additional needs catered for:
Wheelchair accessible
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Dementia friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
chair yoga
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