Counselling Directory

A nationwide database of qualified counsellors and therapists.
An advanced search tool that allows you to filter your search according to your needs and location. Or, if you’d rather receive support remotely, you can find a therapist offering online or telephone services.
Detailed member profiles. Our members pack their profiles full of information including background, fees and even availability - helping you learn more about them before making contact.
A thorough approvals policy. This means all professionals are asked to provide evidence of professional body membership before they can be listed with us, so you can be sure of contacting a credible professional.
A detailed library of fact sheets featuring useful information about how counselling might be able to help with what’s worrying you.
A types of therapy section that aims to explain the different forms of therapy that are used by practitioners and how they can help.
An FAQs section that looks to answer any questions you may have.
An events section where you can find workshops and courses to further your learning.
An articles section where our experts share their knowledge and experience on a variety of subjects.

Mental health
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.