Wandsworth Music Therapy

<p>Wandsworth Music Therapy provide individual and group therapy at our Saturday Music Therapy Clinic.<p>

<p>Our Music Therapists are highly skilled musicians and professionally trained, qualified Music Therapists (Postgraduate Diploma/MA). Our therapists are state registered under the Health and Care Professions Council and work to the code of conduct set out by the British Association for Music Therapy.<p>

<p>In music therapy, the child and therapist build a therapeutic relationship, through musical interaction and play, to bring about positive change and accomplish individual goals. It is a well-established, evidence based clinical model. The therapist uses musical interventions to enable the child to reach their full potential, building confidence and improving their physical, emotional, mental and social wellbeing. Our therapists work with children with a wide range of backgrounds.<p>

<p>Music therapy can help with:<p>

<p>- Communication difficulties<p>

<p>- Behavioural difficulties<p>

<p>- Emotional regulation<p>

<p>- Mental health issues<p>

<p>- Low mood and depression<p>

<p>- Reducing stress and anxiety<p>

<p>- Processing traumatic experiences<p>

<p>- Coping with loss and bereavement<p>

<p>- Increasing confidence and self-esteem<p>

<p>Individual Music Therapy:<p>

<p>In a typical music therapy session, the child will use a wide range of instruments and singing to play with the therapist. The music is mostly improvised although a music therapist will often use songs, musical activities or song writing as well.<p>

<p>Prior musical experience is not needed, the focus is on the child exploring and using the instruments in their own unique way. The music therapist will use their own musical expertise to support and respond to the child. As a trusting therapeutic relationship is formed, the child and therapist can reflect on and process difficult themes and emotions as they arise. They are also able to experience together the joy of communicating without the need for words.<p> 

<p>Group music therapy:<p>

<p>Groups are carefully created based on the ages, goals, and needs of the young people. In group music therapy, young people will engage in both musical activities and free musical improvisation using a wide range of instruments and their voice. The music therapist will structure the sessions to meet the needs of the group and support all group members to engage to their fullest potential.<p>

<p>Group music therapy can enable young people to:<p>

<p>- Develop peer awareness and interaction skills<p>

<p>- Build communication skills<p>

<p>- Enhance social development<p>

<p>- Build confidence and self-esteem<p>

<p>- Develop resilience<p>

<p>If you are unsure whether individual or group music therapy is right for your child, please email musictherapy@wandsworthmusic.co.uk to discuss this with a member of our team.

Service statistics
Usually replies in 29 days
Service access criteria: Eligibility/service access criteria: All children under the age of 18. Our emphasis is on working with young people who have been identified as having social, communication, emotional and/or mental health needs
Bereavement support
Activities for children and young people
Arts and creativity
Mental health support
Preventative services for children and young people
Mental health
Youth support
Additional needs catered for:
Vision impairment friendly
Wheelchair accessible
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Non English speaking friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 3
music therapy; child mental health; creative therapies; arts therapies
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