Social Prescribing Service Young People- Battersea PCN

Service statistics
Usually replies in 5 days
94% of referrals accepted
Social prescribing
Service access criteria:

Service access criteria 11-21 without complex mental health needs. Please note if the young person you would like to refer is between 11-14 years old then a parent or 'responsible adult' must be present for all social prescriber/psychological support appointments and will be the first contact. Any psychological support will be in the form of family therapy for those aged 11-14. If the young person is 15 and over (with capacity) they can be seen on their own. If you wish to refer a child that is younger than 11 please use the adult social prescribing form to refer their parent and our social prescribers can signpost them to parenting courses but they cannot be seen 'in house' for psychological support. 

Additional needs catered for:
Social Prescribing Service Young People, 15-21, Battersea
Who can refer: Professional referrals only
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