Headway Thames Valley - your local brain injury charity

Brain injury can challenge every aspect of your life – walking, talking, thinking and feeling – and the losses can be severe and permanent. It can mean losing both the life you once lived and the person you once were.

Operating across Berkshire and South Oxfordshire, and based in Henley, we work with people who have suffered an acquired brain injury. There are many possible causes of brain injury, including a fall, a road accident, sports injury, tumour, stroke, cardiac arrest, complications during operations and post viral infections such as meningitis.


"Headway Thames Valley, a beacon of light guiding us through the last four years of the unknown territory called a brain injury. Without whom we would not have got so far. There is nothing any other institution could offer us through this time"


Headway Thames Valley works with around 150 adults of all ages every year helping them adjust to and cope with their altered circumstances. Headway Thames Valley provides a range of services and support, whether it’s at our Centre in Henley or through Courses and Therapy Groups across Berkshire. Brain injury support options provided include art and music therapy, speech and language therapy, enablement, community based activities, physio, neuro-psychology and occupational therapy.

All activities are designed to help clients towards achieving a range of outcomes: learning or re-learning skills, improving confidence and self-esteem, functional ability and exercise, developing coping strategies, keeping families together, quality of life, being able to use public transport, taking part in community or sports activities and helping to facilitate returning to employment where appropriate.

Service statistics
Usually replies in 9 days
50% of referrals accepted
Service access criteria: Headway Thames Valley works with anyone over the age of 16 who has suffered an acquired brain injury
Connecting with others
Information and advice
Managing a long-term health condition
Additional needs catered for:
Wheelchair accessible
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Brain Injury, Stroke, TBI, traumatic brain injury, head injury
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