Staying Well Service

We are a specialist team providing preventative services to individuals over 55 years of age in the community across South Staffordshire.

The service supports adults within their own home who have been identified as having mild to moderate frailty. The aim of intervention is to proactively manage the deterioration of frailty by taking a preventative approach and help individuals to stay well, live well, and age well.

Staying Well Assessment
People who are referred to the service have been identified as those with mild to moderate frailty. One of our Staying Well Facilitators will then visit the person at home and carryout a holistic assessment looking at General health, medications, social support, cognition / memory, mood, mobility, functional performance and functional independence.

Connecting with others
Day to day helping hand
Healthy lifestyle
Mental health
Services for older people
Social prescribing
Staying Well, Frailty, Over 55, Well being
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