Domestic Service - Medway
Verified service

Age UK Kent Rivers provide professional and friendly help with day-to-day domestic tasks to help older people to stay in their homes for longer.

All of our home help staff are experienced, have passed a security check and have received full training. The service is flexible and can be tailored to suit your own needs, helping you with light domestic cleaning including:

  • Hoovering
  • Dusting of surfaces
  • Mopping floors
  • Organising light clutter
  • Emptying bins
  • Cleaning of main living spaces
  • Watering plants and flowers.
Service statistics
Usually replies in 0 minutes
100% of referrals accepted
Service access criteria: Available to people aged 50 and over living in the Medway and Faversham area
Care at home
Day to day helping hand
Additional needs catered for:
Takes place in the client’s home
Cleaning, domestic help
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