Shopping Service - Medway
Verified service

Age UK Kent Rivers provide a shopping service for older people living in Medway and Faversham, where our vetted community staff can accompany you on a shopping trip, or collect shopping on your behalf and deliver it to your home.

Our Shopping Services have a range of benefits for older people, including preventing malnutrition, reducing social isolation and enabling them to be independent and remain in their own home for longer.

Home delivery services
Some older people are housebound and unable to do their own shopping. Age UK Kent Rivers works with the older person to create a shopping list and their groceries are then delivered to their home.

Escorted services
Some older people are mobile enough to go out but need some extra assistance with transport to and getting around food stores. Age UK Kent Rivers staff can assist a client one-on-one with their shopping, allowing them to browse the store and select their groceries themselves.

Service access criteria: Available to people aged 50 and over living in the Medway and Faversham area
Care at home
Day to day helping hand
Additional needs catered for:
Takes place in the client’s home
Shopping, assistance with shopping, shopping delivery, groceries
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