Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire - Preventative Support Service


The Preventative Support Service (PSS) 18+ includes:-

• Contact & Triage
• Information & Advice
• One-to-one support & holistic assessment
• Outreach Services

Support for 18+ in Coventry
The aims and objectives of the service are to improve the quality of life for people over the age of 18 with long term conditions and dementia.
We will help and support people through the process by guiding them to the best possible options and solutions for the individual.

Through these services we can enable individuals to make informed decisions, to improve their lives, increase their confidence, and reduce isolation.

The contact & triage team will talk with you about your needs and concerns and discuss what help you would like to receive. We will then provide information and direct you to the most appropriate service and support.

Contacting us is free of charge and most of the services that we link you to are also free. If there is a charge for a specific service we will explain this to you when you enquire.

Our service is confidential and no information is passed on without your consent or knowledge.

Service access criteria: Adult
Connecting with others
Managing a long-term health condition
Additional needs catered for:
Preventative, Support, Service, Older, People, 1:1, Holistic
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