Salvation Army Debt Advice

How do we help?

We help people get a handle on what they owe and work alongside them to make a realistic plan for repaying their debts.

Our free debt advice service can contact creditors on a person’s behalf to explore and negotiate options like repayment holidays and more realistic repayment plans.

Our debt advice centres support people with debt ranging from a few thousand pounds to many tens of thousands of pounds.

What do we do?

We work with our clients and creditors in a number of ways:

- Understanding the level and type of debt
- Reviewing our clients’ financial situation to find ways to raise income and reduce expenditure
- Developing and agreeing a realistic debt solution’
- Negotiating with creditors on behalf of our clients to freeze any existing interest payments and agree a mutually acceptable payment plan
- Supporting our clients during the repayment process and renegotiating the plan should circumstances change
- Providing money education to help change habits and minimise the chance of debt recurring in future

Debt counselling
Financial advice and support
Helping with money
Key words - separate with a comma: Money Management, Debt Advice, Financial Advice
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