Age UK Isle of Wight Good Neighbour Scheme

The award winning Good Neighbour Scheme is a cornerstone of our services. Our volunteers provide vital assistance, friendship and reliable support for over 50s on the Isle of Wight.
This is a volunteer led befriending service.
How could our volunteers support you?
Face to face befriending; visiting those who feel lonely or isolated for a cup of tea and a chat
Telephone befriending; calling regular Neighbours to either have a catch-up or simply check-in to see how you're doing
Relationship building; helping you to regain confidence after illness or bereavement
Trips out in the local area, perhaps for a short walk or to the local shop. Places you enjoy but may struggle to go to alone
Your Good Neighbour can also put you in touch with our team at Age UK Isle of Wight for:

Signposting to vital information and Isle of Wight services
Information on Age UK Isle of Wight and our other services available to improve their health and wellbeing
About Our Volunteers:

We take pride in the quality of our volunteers who support this scheme. When seeking a Good Neighbour for you, we will make informed choices based on shared interests, hobbies, locations and various other factors.

In the best interests of our clients, all our volunteers complete a DBS check before starting with the scheme. They are supported by a designated co-ordinator who will also check in with you regularly to ensure you are happy with the support our Good Neighbour Scheme is providing.

I think some one I know needs this service. Can I apply for them?

We welcome you to tell your loved ones about this service, if you think it could benefit them. Please call or email to discuss this further as we may be able to provide you with support and material to aid you to have this conversation with your loved one. 

We can only contact individuals if you can assure us they are happy to be contacted. 

Service statistics
Usually replies in 30 days
Connecting with others
Services for older people
Additional needs catered for:
Vision impairment friendly
Hearing impairment friendly
Wheelchair accessible
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Dementia friendly
Takes place in the client’s home
befriender, support, community, friendship, isolation, loneliness, help, happiness, wellbeing, health, home
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.