Mountbatten Hospice Bereavement Support

We are here to help you through bereavement and grief.
Dealing with the death of a friend or relative can be devastating. You may react by feeling angry, sad, or guilty. It can affect your memory, concentration, motivation, thoughts, and beliefs. 

Sometimes it can help to talk to someone independent and trained to listen to and support you.

Mountbatten’s Psychology and Bereavement Service offers free support to anyone affected by the death of a loved one, including adults, families, and children. 

Our team has years of experience in helping people cope with grief and trauma. You do not need to have a connection with Mountbatten to receive support, which extends to anyone who has suffered the sudden death of someone close to them, including loss through suicide.

What support is available?
Group sessions
Grief can be a very isolating and lonely experience. It can be very helpful and comforting to meet other people going through similar experiences.

Our group sessions run at the hospice every Friday morning and afternoon, and people are welcome to attend for up to 12 months.

You do not need to be referred to us or to have a connection to Mountbatten. Just drop in for support. 

Individual, in-person or online support
We offer individual sessions with a member of Mountbatten’s bereavement team, which includes counsellors, psychologists and bereavement volunteers trained and supervised by these specialists.

For more information call 01983 217346.

Thanks to Mountbatten’s partnership with KissyPuppy, the Sophie Rolf Trust, specialised bereavement support – which often involves music and art therapy - is available for children and families.

You can refer yourself to Mountbatten’s Psychology and Bereavement Service by phoning 01983 217346 or speaking with your GP, who can make a referral on your behalf.

How much support will I need?
Some people will need only one or two sessions; others require longer-term support. For individual bereavement support, we usually offer up to six sessions of up to one hour. You will be invited to attend a bereavement group for up to a year. All support given is confidential. 

Memorial services are held throughout the year. You will usually be invited to attend one about six months after your bereavement. 

Service statistics
Usually replies in 3 days
100% of referrals accepted
Information and advice
Support for carers
Additional needs catered for:
bereavement, support, grief, loss, sad, lonely, upset, difficulty, kindness, care, time, talking, therapy, wellbeing, help
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