Sexual violence support for men, boys and non binary people

We are SurvivorsUK. We support male and non-binary survivors of sexual violence, providing counselling, practical help and community on your healing journey.

We’re also here for loved ones, professionals and survivors who think our service is the right fit for them.

National Online Helpline
We are here for any man, boy or non-binary person who has ever experienced unwanted sexual activity (such as words, images or touch). We are also here for family, friends, allies and loved ones supporting a survivor in their lives.

We can chat with you here through webchat, or by texting.

There’s no pressure or judgement when you contact us – you get to stay in control.

You can reach out as little or often as you like, and each chat can last up to 45 minutes, or shorter if you prefer.

You may not be sure if we’re the right service for you. No problem, contact us anyway, and we’ll do our best to help or point you in the right direction.

Chat via SMS text
020 3322 1860
Mon – Sun, 12pm-8pm

or chat online

Advice for young people
Preventative services for children and young people
Information and advice
Mental health
Youth support
Additional needs catered for:
Takes place in the client’s home
survivors uk, survivors, domestic abuse, sexual violence, men
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