Caraway Dementia Services

Caraway offer a range of Dementia Services in Southampton including:

Memory Cafes

Southampton’s Memory Cafés are a friendly safe place to meet regularly with other families living with dementia, somewhere to share and learn from your own and other’s experiences.

Course for Carers

This new course gives carers the tools to help them look after themselves and to understand the disease and how they can support the person living with dementia as the disease progresses.

Telephone Well-being Calls

This service, supports families living with dementia by contacting them at home to see how they are, listen and redirect, as required.


Please see our website for more information on any of the above services or get in touch.

Service access criteria: For those living with, or caring for those living with Dementia.
Adult carers advice and support
Carers support groups
Information and advice
Mental health
Services for older people
Support for carers
Additional needs catered for:
Dementia friendly
Dementia, Memory, Older People, Mental Health, Carers, Support,
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.