Knit and Knatter - Bedworth


Knitting and Crocheting Group - meet Mondays 12 - 2. £2.50 including refreshments. 

All abilities welcome. Patient teachers available for beginners. 

With nearly 40 years of service to the local community of Bedworth heath we can promise a warm and friendly welcome. We host leisure classes covering a variety of interests, room hire at competitive rates and services to the local community.  St Michaels Children Centre has a base here for many activities for youngsters.

Hidden Gems, our charity shop which helps to support our work is open 5 days a week. we do take donations of unwanted items, and are very grateful for anything given.

Parking is located at the side and rear of the building which is free but limited during busy periods.

Our main building is designed to be wheel chair friendly.

If you want to visit us via public transport, Stagecoach routes 56 and 55 (Coventry city centre - Bedworth - Nuneaton) stop outside St Andrews Church which is next door to us

Service access criteria: Adult
Arts and creative classes
Arts and creativity
Additional needs catered for:
Wheelchair accessible
Knitting, Crocheting, Group
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