Cohort4 - Peer Support for Women


We are women surviving domestic and/or sexual abuse; some of us are women who have been affected by the criminal justice system, some of us experience mental health difficulties and most of us are women who have experienced some level of isolation, disadvantage and loneliness at some point in our lives.  We are survivors and are simply women supporting other women in our community.  We know what we need to enhance our confidence and resilience, that is being other women in a non judgemental and friendly environment.

We are not counsellors or therapists, we are women who come together to support each other, to learn new skills and to enjoy opportunities in our own women safe community.  We offer peer mentoring to other women, advocate on behalf of women and support each other in a non judgemental and inclusive way.  We don’t ‘do to’ women, we do with women.

We offer social and skill development groups, various craft classes, outings, events and training opportunities.  Our model is simple, but it works.  We know this because our women tell us so, again and again.  Each woman determines what she needs, when and how.  Women know what they need to reinforce their own survival from abuse and together we make it happen.

Some of us are independent professionals from criminal justice backgrounds, with many years of experience of working with individuals who experience difficulties with mental health, disability, addiction, financial disadvantage or other welfare related issues. We are retired educators, business women, social workers and mental health practitioners. We even have a podiatrist within the team for those tough moments!

We are trained to use a variety of risk assessment tools to evaluate the specific level of risk in terms of domestic abuse. We have over two decades of experience in risk assessment and management. We are experienced in multi agency working and have had training in child protection and use of risk assessment tools such as DASH, SARA and other criminal justice based risk assessment tools.

Service access criteria: Adult Women
Connecting with others
Information and advice
Additional needs catered for:
Women, Peer, Support
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