Women's Talk - SBitC - Nuneaton and Coventry


Email: george.heaton@sbitc.org.uk

WOMEN's talk is the sister project of MENtalk, the charity’s successful men’s mental health project.

Sky Blues in the Community (SBitC) expect that the return of WOMEN's talk to be extremely attractive to women suffering with mental health problems, especially following the challenges over the past few years.

WOMEN's talk was developed by SBitC and co-produced with beneficiaries with the aim of supporting women in Coventry and Nuneaton with their emotional health and well-being. The project will bring women together from all backgrounds and with a range of mental health problems using group physical and social activities combined with positive mental health promotion in a fun, welcoming, non-clinical environment. The project has been designed in consultation with local women and targets all women, not simply those with an interest in football or sport.

WOMEN's talk will provide fun activities and social opportunities in community venues, starting on Wednesday 13th September in Nuneaton and Monday 18th September in Coventry. Each session will be led by SBitC’s Mental Health Co-Ordinator with support from SBitC’s professional sports coaches. Course content will vary based on participants’ needs but ice-breaking activities and ‘get to know you’ activities will form part of all courses.

The wide menu of activities that participants can benefit from include warm-ups, stretching, physical activities such as basketball, badminton, table tennis, football, archery, chess and Jenga. WOMEN's talk will be co-produced by participants ensuring they choose the weekly activities they take part in.

Service access criteria: Adult Women
Information and advice
Additional needs catered for:
Women, Talk, Group
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