Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme


Email: warwickshirelocalwelfarescheme@warwickshire.gov.uk

Opening hours are:

·       Monday to Thursday from 9am – 5pm

·       Friday from 9am-4:30pm

The Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme helps the most vulnerable residents at times of unavoidable crisis when they have no other means of help. It does this by providing basic and essential help for food and energy. This is provided either in emergency food parcels with three days supplies, or with credit for energy.

he scheme also provides help to those whose needs are more long term, who are vulnerable through an ongoing set of circumstances rather than an immediate crisis. This could include people that are care leavers, victims of domestic violence, former armed forces personnel, or those resettling in a community after a custodial term. In these cases, the help may take the form of assistance in furnishing accommodation with basic furniture and appliances.

The Local Welfare Scheme also serves to point residents in the direction of other agencies and organisations who may be able to offer help and support to them.

Service access criteria: Adult
Food banks
Basic necessities (food/clothes)
Financial advice and support
Helping with money
Support with housing
Additional needs catered for:
Waiting list (weeks): 0
Income, Finance, Food, Support, Voucher, Electric, Gas
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