Healthwatch Warwickshire


Healthwatch Warwickshire is the independent consumer champion for health and social care. They gather and represent the views of the Warwickshire public on health and social care issues.

Health advocacy services
An integrated health advocacy service is available to people in Warwickshire provided by VoiceAbility. This includes:

NHS complaints advocacy
general health advocacy
independent mental health advocacy
NHS complaints advocacy
You can access this service if you have received NHS treatment and require support to raise and resolve a complaint about your care and treatment. The service can also be accessed by a person who knows someone that is unhappy about treatment or care they have received from the NHS.

Service access criteria: Adult
Health advice
Healthy lifestyle
Additional needs catered for:
One, Stop, Shop, Health, Wellbeing, Healthy, Eating, Smoking, Mental, Health, Alcohol, Drugs, Dementia
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.