
Local Support - our community engagement workers have knocked on every door in the Revoelution area at least three times - that’s around 1,300 doors. They’ve spoken to over 1,000 people, referred 300 food parcel requests to Blackpool Council, provided new washing machines and support with utility bills through Cost of Living funding, referred people to Counselling in the Community, bought bedding/mattresses and a range of household goods, set up social activities, and provided a wide range of one-off support. We also host support agencies at the Hub including benefits advice and alcohol support - see the Partners section.

Work Club – Wednesdays and Fridays 10am-Midday at the Hub

Help with CVs, job searches, computers, etc here at the Hub. We’ve got several people into work and onto courses recently so there are places available, just turn up and speak to our volunteers Joyce and Linda.

Romanian advice sessions - every weekday evening except Wednesdays. We provide a translator and advice on all sorts of form-filling to Romanian families in the area.

Gardening - we garden when the weather’s ok, in the space outside the Hub. Tuesday mornings, but you can pop in at any time to do some weeding!

Meditation and Yoga - an introduction from Leon, a qualified instructor, at Ibbison Court on Monday mornings. Particularly aimed at beginners, very friendly and informal - feel free to come along!

Other groups - we’re always on the look-out for new ideas and we’re happy to help set up and support new groups. We’ve recently funded a music group, a women’s group at Ibbison Court and Bugs 2 Butterflies at New Life Church. Things in the pipeline at the moment are creative writing, a walking group and sewing.

Youth Work – various days. We run sessions every week for young people aged 8-16. There’s a Juniors Club (age 8-12) on Thursday evenings at Ibbison Court and an arts group for teenagers on Wednesdays.

Football on Revoe Park - Wednesday and Thursday evenings 5.30pm. Football training for ages around 7-14 with Alan and Jack. It can get busy - we get over 40 young people in the summer - so get there on time!


Talking to residents is fundamental to what we do. See our Plans and the Community Profile to understand how we use input from residents to design our activities and pick our priorities. We’re currently having conversations with teenagers in the area to get their ideas, and we’re discussing the possibility of a community-run facility on Central Drive - we’d love to hear your views! Here are some examples of our past consultations:

Connecting with others
Housing advice
Getting active
Helping with money
Information and advice
Social prescribing
Support with housing
Service access criteria:

Must live within the Revoe area. Information on this can be found on the website

Additional needs catered for:
benefits, alcohol, work, tenancy
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.