The Community Cupboard

A local phone line for information and practical help for those isolating or finding it difficult to get out of the house. You can request shopping or prescription pick-ups, pre-book lunches or just listen to a calm friendly voice.

The Community Cupboard can provide basic ambient food on a weekly basis or less frequently as needed to help you get back on your feet. 

Community Lunches run every Monday lunch time. We can deliver hot meals to your house or you can come and sit in to eat with us at the Lunesdale Hall.

The Food Club works with FareShare to redistribute perfectly good food that would otherwise go to landfills. We regularly receive a selection of vegetables and sauces that are sure to add excitement and surprise to any meal!

We are working to expand mental health knowledge in town through Mental Health First Aid training and Every Life Matters Suicide Awareness courses.

Worried about rising costs? We now have a member of our team who can help you put a budget together. Our budget coach will be available every Monday at Community Lunches and monthly at our Community Café.


Arts and creative classes
Food banks
Day centres
Activities for older people
Arts and creativity
Arts organisations and events
Basic necessities (food/clothes)
Mobile meals
Connecting with others
Day to day helping hand
Getting active
Helping with money
Services for older people
Additional needs catered for:
Dementia friendly
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.