MVLife Lifeline Alarms and Technology Enabled Care

Providing help at the touch of a button 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our trusted, local and reliable service provides independence, security and peace of mind through the use of Lifeline Alarms and Technology Enabled Care.

Mole Valley Life is operated by Mole Valley District Council and is accredited to the Technology Enabled Care Services Association Quality Standards Framework and is a founding member of Surrey Telecare. Working across Surrey, we provide the Lifeline Alarm and Technology Enabled Care service for Mole Valley District Council, Reigate & Banstead Borough Council, Spelthorne Borough Council, Tandridge District Council and Elmbridge Borough Council.

  • Lifeline Alarms
  • TrustID
  • Telephone Check In Service
  • Technology Enabled Care Equipment
  • GPS Remote Monitoring
  • Wellbeing & Community Responder service
  • Preventing Nuisance Phone Calls with trueCall
Care at home
Day to day helping hand
Healthy lifestyle
Managing a long-term health condition
Mental health
Services for older people
Social prescribing
Support for carers
Additional needs catered for:
Vision impairment friendly
Hearing impairment friendly
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Dementia friendly
Takes place in the client’s home
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.