Information about dementia

At the Alzheimer's Society we produce a wide range of publications and factsheets designed to support and inform anyone affected by dementia.

We have a variety of publications, guides, help sheets and tools available for you to order or download at our website.

We provide information on:

  • Signs and symptoms including a symptom checklist
  • Risk and diagnosis
  • Genetics
  • Medicines to help memory and thinking
  • Different types of dementia
  • The progression and different stages
  • Caring for a person with dementia
  • Looking after yourself after a diagnosis
  • Carer's - taking care of yourself
  • Home adaptations
  • Assistive technology
  • Dental care and oral health
  • Travelling and going on holiday
  • Continence care
  • Aggressive behaviour
  • Supporting children and young people
  • Changes in behaviour
  • Health and Social care
  • End of life care
  • Denial and lack of insight
  • Legal and financial matters
  • Emotional and practical guidance
  • Key facts and aspects of dementia

and much much more...


You can read this information online, download or print our catalogue for full details of all our publications and practical tools. Use our online order form to request items in the post.


We also offer dementia information in your language here or you can call our support line 0333 150 3456 for information and support. We can arrange an interpreter to talk to you in your language. Call the support line and say your language, end the call and wait. The adviser will then call you back with an interpreter. If you have speech or hearing difficulties and have a textphone or an adapted computer, you can use Text Relay to call our English-speaking support line on 18001 0300 222 1122.

Healthy lifestyle
Information and advice
Managing a long-term health condition
Mental health
Services for older people
Support for carers
Service access criteria:

People affected by dementia

Additional needs catered for:
Dementia friendly
Takes place in the client’s home
Non English speaking friendly
Dementia, Dementia Support, Advice, Information, alzheimer's society, alzheimers
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.