Melton Community Fridge

Welcome to our Melton Community Fridges

What is a Community Fridge?
A fridge full of food that comes from supermarket surplus or local retailers/cafes/pubs.

Food is free to anyone who wants to take it.  If you can,  do make a pay-as-you-feel donation, which helps keep this project going.
Community Fridge is a way of reducing food waste that would have otherwise been put in the supermarket bins!

Who can take food from this fridge?

Where can we find Melton Community Fridge?

Unit 7 at the Old Dairy on North Street, LE13 1NL
Every Friday from 12.30pm - 2.30pm
Melton Community Fridge is brought to you by Sunny Skies Enterprise CIC in association with Root-and-Branch Out CIC

Basic necessities (food/clothes)
Day to day helping hand
Helping with money
Additional needs catered for:
Vision impairment friendly
Hearing impairment friendly
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Dementia friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
preventing food waste, environmental impact, food support, food bank, food banks, foodbank, foodbanks
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