Buckinghamshire Home Library Service

If you find it difficult to get to the library in person due to age, illness or disability, or you are an unpaid carer, you can have library items delivered to your home.

This is a free monthly service, where books and other library items are delivered to your home at a suitable time by volunteers. Volunteers wear identification badges and provide a helpful and courteous service.

This service is great for anyone who is a keen and avid reader, but unfortunately can not get into their local libraries. Our team are able to provide you with:

. Books

. Large Print Books

. CD Audiobooks

. Memorystick Audiobooks (and boombox if needed)

. Blood pressure monitors

. Memory bags & puzzles

And many more library resources.

Contact us today to find out more about Buckinghamshire's Home Library Service

Connecting with others
Services for older people
Support for carers
Additional needs catered for:
Wheelchair accessible
Physical disability friendly
Takes place in the client’s home
Waiting list (weeks): 3
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.