Help with Cost of Living - benefits for older people (ONLINE)

Who should attend this course?

This course, run by Citizens Advice Devon, aims to provide participants with a system that allows them to check potential entitlement for their clients, and by explaining how the system works and where people can find out more. It is designed for people across Devon who work in voluntary sector organisations that provide help and support to older members of the public e.g. foodbanks, caring organisations, community transport as well as; social prescribers, housing providers, local authorities, or anyone who meets people in the course of their work who are struggling to make ends meet.

Introduction and Aim

Many older people miss out on the financial assistance available to them (over and above their State Pension), either because of a lack of knowledge of their rights or because of the difficulties with the system and claiming process. They risk missing out on potentially quite substantial amounts of income (Pension Credits, Attendance Allowance and other relevant benefits) and therefore could be unable to meet their basic needs.

The cost of living crisis is making it more important than ever for older people to be able to maximise their income. In particular, those with a disability or long term health condition may feel excluded by the ever increasing reliance on technology to access information, to communicate with the state and to claim benefits.


By attending this course, participants will be able to:

• Identify key conditions of entitlement to a range of individual benefits, including Attendance Allowance, for older people in different circumstances;

• Understand the basics of ‘means-testing’ and how disability related benefits may increase entitlement;

• Identify and access resources for identifying entitlement and making referrals.


About your tutor:

Vincent Wilson - Vincent has worked for the Citizens Advice service in Devon since 1985. As an experienced trainer, he has provided benefits training for many years to voluntary and statutory sector staff, covering all aspects of the benefits system from introductory courses to Tribunal Representation. He has been a benefits caseworker for most of his working life, having taken cases to the Upper Tribunal level. He has been involved with national Health Education England in the design of an e-learning module on social welfare legal support and money guidance for social prescribers and has provided training locally on the financial support available to people worst affected by the rise in the cost of living. He is Chief Officer at Citizens Advice Teignbridge.

Care at home
Financial advice and support
Homelessness support
Health advice
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