'Find your inner warrior' - embodied non contact boxing programme

Would you like to feel more confident? Empowered? Less stressed? 

This workshop may be for you! (Depending on initial consult).

We are excited to announce a six week embodied non-contact boxing workshop for women starting August 5th at Aysha George Training and Fitness studio.

Through a series of six classes offered on a weekly basis, we will work with your nervous system to help you find your inner warrior, take up space, express yourself, ask for what you need, set boundaries and build on self-care. All classes are facilitated by myself (qualified Clinical Psychologist/Boxing Coach).

A Whatsapp group will also be available, offered as a motivational peer space where people can ask questions, check in about strategies practiced outside of class and share what has worked/has not worked for them. The group is there to help people who join our classes apply skills they learn to their everyday lives, giving you more bang for your buck! Head over to our schedule page on our website (link below) to sign up for a free consultation for more information and book your place.

We are offering eight spaces for this workshop to ensure all individuals have dedicated time and focus from the facilitator. Head over to www.warriorwomenproject.uk to book your place. 

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