Our Green Futures, a new project with funding to support community initiatives.

‘Our Green Futures ‘ is an exciting project funded by Transition Together and delivered by Turn the Tide Teignbridge CIC and Sustainable Dawlish. 

The aim of the project is to provide ideas and support to local community groups to meet the dual challenge of climate and ecology emergencies. We have been awarded funding to deliver 10 meetings to include as wide a range of different people as possible. The ‘Our Green Futures’ meetings will take place in different areas in and around Dawlish from April 2024 until February 2025. 

We aim to raise awareness and inspire you all into taking positive action to reach a green, sustainable, low carbon future. We will be inviting funding bids to enable groups to begin to realise their Green Futures vision.

More details about how you can get involved, coming soon…

Outdoor activities
Day centres
Arts organisations and events
Health advice
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