Shed INC - Art and Advocacy, A new Shed Life project

Shed Life is a resident-led project, they believe that everyone has the right to live a life that allows them to get on with life; good health, independence, friendship, enjoyable social activities and new experiences. They deliver projects that bring people together, specifically residents who are experiencing isolation and loneliness.

Shed INC (Inclusive) is a new peer support art project, funded by the Barking and Dagenham Community Chest, to deliver a creative, peer support group, for residents experiencing complex health conditions, waiting for treatment or managing a life changing diagnosis. The sessions will be a chance to talk, to help each other, to exchange and share experiences, to provide an enjoyable distraction, a friendly peer support network and opportunity to empower self-advocacy and take positive action to improve individual health outcomes and recovery.

Service statistics
Usually replies in 1 hour
100% of referrals accepted
Arts and creative classes
Activities for older people
Activities for children and young people
Arts and creativity
Mental health support
Connecting with nature
Connecting with others
Managing a long-term health condition
Mental health
Services for older people
Social prescribing
Support with housing
Youth support
Service access criteria:

Shed INC is a  creative, peer support workshop, for residents living with  complex health treatments, waiting for treatment or managing a life changing diagnosis.

Additional needs catered for:
Vision impairment friendly
Hearing impairment friendly
Wheelchair accessible
Learning difficulty friendly
Physical disability friendly
Dementia friendly
Non English speaking friendly
Waiting list (weeks): 0
art, frienship, social, peer support, connecting, community leadership, volunteering
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