Age UK Devon Scams Awareness and Prevention Service

We are currently running a Scams Awareness and Prevention Service across Devon. 

We are offering awareness raising talks/presentations to community groups and/or groups and organisations who work with and support older people within the community throughout the county.   

Through these talks we aim to support people to recognise different types of scams,  provide tips and information to avoid being scammed and provide guidance as to what to do in the event of having been scammed. 

We can also provide one to one support and advice sessions (either in person or by telephone) again to help prevent people from being scammed but also in the event that someone has already been targeted by a scam we can support them to;

  • Identify the types of scams that they may have been victim of
  • Report the scam
  • Explore possible options to recover money (if lost through a scam)
  • How to access support from other organisations (where appropriate)
  • Reduce the risk of being scammed in the future.

The presentations and one to one support are free of charge. 

Presentations can be tailored to suit the needs of each audience.

Adult education and learning
Arts organisations and events
Health advice
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