Access to Work application support, coaching and training

15 minute free consultation to discuss own needs and to see if you can apply for Access to Work support

Access to Work is a Government DWP scheme to support those with a long term health issue and/or disability including neuro divergent conditions e.g. Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, etc. Insightful Minds offers the service to help individuals to apply for Access to work as well as to offer them coaching and training in their workplace if they are awarded funding.

The type of help from Access to Work is: bespoke coaching and training to help you adjust within the workplace with your health condition/disability so that you may still work, support worker (in person and virtual) to help keep you focused and on track (may be a virtual assistant or someone helping you with your finances or social media), specialist equipment, specialist software, help with transportation costs if public transport can't be used to help you stay in work.

Service offered by Insightful Minds

  • Support to apply for Access to Work (1.5 hours coaching is £75) once eligibility is confirmed. Delivered online UK wide)
  • Workplace Coping Strategy training/coaching (if Access to Work funding is awarded. Delivered online UK wide)
  • Mental Health training - Reiki/Balance Procedure/Neuro Linguistic Programming (paid for service. Price/location on application)
  • Holistic and mindset therapy for stress, fatigue, pain, anxiety and depression - NLP, Timeline Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, The Balance Procedure (£450 for 3 hours)  In person.  Some clients may be seen online. Each case will be assessed individually

What happens after the chat?

After the initial 15 minute chat, if the applicant does not want 1.5 hours coaching to complete the application, they will be given the link to the Access to Work portal so that they can apply by themselves and will be signposted to our coaching/training services and workshops.  If they are awarded workplace coping strategy training/coaching in their ATW funding, Liz Almond of Insightful Minds can be used as your coach.  Your funding letter will say you have 3 quotes and recommendations.  Insightful Minds will match the quote given.
Process for Access to Work applications

  • Apply for grant via the Government portal (either by yourself or with support from Insightful Minds)
  • 18-20 week wait for an assessor to ring to discuss your case.  If you want/need Insightful Minds to be present at the session with the DWP assessor, then please tell the assessor that you need support.  This can be arranged. (Paid for service)
  • During your chat with DWP assessor, be honest during the chat about how challenging you find your work and managing your stress levels.  Give specific examples to help the assessor appreciate the challenges you face.  Ensure you list all your medical issues including mobility too as they may well give you further support you aren't expecting.  Don't assume they have the full picture as you may not have had space to elaborate on your application as there is a strict word count.
  • DWP will tell you over the phone after a chat what you have been awarded and you will be sent information via the post and email.  You will be sent a funding letter.  
  • If you would like help from Liz Almond of Insightful Minds to act as your coach or trainer, please contact her at Please send her your funding letter so that she can check if she can support you or not.  DWP will give you recommendations of who to work with for your training/coaching. You do not have to use who is suggested.  Insightful Minds will match the funding amount you have been awarded.

Further help from Liz Almond of Insightful Minds
If applicants have issues with handling money/debt/finances, they will be encouraged to come on a free Money Mindset workshop run in Kent. If there are mental health concerns, paid for therapy can also be accessed. Applicants can learn wellbeing techniques to improve their self care. (Paid for service)  These services can be accessed before you speak to your assessor depending on Liz's availability. 

Bereavement support
Adult carers advice and support
Adult education and learning
Care at home
Mental health support
Welfare rights advice
Employment and training initiatives
Connecting with others
Day to day helping hand
Helping with money
Information and advice
Managing a long-term health condition
Mental health
Support for carers
Support with employment
Service access criteria:

Applicants must be employed or self employed. If self employed, you must have £6500 turnover per year. Applicants 18+ must have a long term health issue or disability which is affecting their ability to work effectively. Neurodiversity applicants can apply diagnosed/undiagnosed with the condition. Menopause/Andropause would be considered as a condition which may need help.

Additional needs catered for:
Dementia friendly
Takes place in the client’s home
accesstowork, employmentsupport, dwpgrant, support,
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