Neuroscience-based health programmes for 4-18 year olds

Our signature programme is a blended delivery of online programmes, live sessions and face-to-face group work with 3 outcome areas:
Helping young people and trusted adults understand how their brains and bodies work
Using this knowledge to improve mental health through increased resilience, improve physical health through health literacy and healthy habits and improve emotional health through increased emotional regulation.
Helping young people enhance their performance physically, mentally, and academically through Neuroscience techniques.
This combination of outcomes helps young people and families understand how their brains work, how to increase resilience, emotionally regulate, manage anxiety, loneliness, fear and anger, how they can be proactive in creating coping mechanisms, access support before crisis and remove stigma around Mental Health. The techniques we use create automaticity around healthy habits reducing the need for willpower and motivation, also improving physical health. This has been evidenced through our work with the Education Authority, Public Health and NHS England.

The programme can be completed in 8 minutes every day and follows a weekly theme. 8-minute sessions include:

  • Amazing brain – Age-appropriate neuroscience animation explaining the week’s topic
  • Movement session connecting the brain and body
  • Mind session connecting the brain and body
  • Reinforcement of learning through repetition, quiz, activity etc
  • Rewiring through Daily resets and Bursts of Brilliance (BOBS)

Our topic areas cover over 100 subject areas which are youth-generated through our Youth Ambassador programme and include:

  • Brain Structure
  • Powerful Potions (Neurochemicals such as adrenaline)
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Loneliness
  • Studying
  • Interruptions
  • Sleep
  • Nourishment
  • Nature
  • Confidence
  • Light
  • Loss and Grief
  • Risk
  • Motivation and Willpower
  • The Importance of Habits
  • When things don’t work out
  • Concentrating
  • Visualisation
  • Trying something new
  • How to Learn
  • Calming your Brain
  • Self-Trust
  • Social Media
  • Bullying
  • Your brain on… (caffeine, nicotine/vapes, alcohol, drugs)
  • Doom scrolling
  • Movement and other superpowers
  • Self Esteem
  • Everything a neuroscientist wants you to know
  • Naming Emotions
  • Jealousy
  • Dreams and Nightmares
  • Focus
  • Self-Sabotage
  • Hack a bad Habit
  • Stress
  • Breathing and other superpowers
  • Your personal algorithm (RAS)
  • Hydration
  • Creating Your Best Brain
  • Negative thoughts
  • How you speak to yourself
  • Do the difficult thing
  • Low power mode
  • Phone Hacks
  • Overthinking
  • Negativity
  • The magnificence of Tiny
  • You can Change your Brain

A key component of our work is that young people understand why they feel or think a certain way when it comes to their mental health and have easily accessible tools to self-regulate when necessary. For example, feeling angry may come from feeling frustrated or not respected, being tired, or hungry or humiliated. Any of those situations can result in the ‘fight’ response in the brain where young people may act on or say things that they wouldn’t do when they are calm and content. Knowing that this is a response from the brain to keep them safe and is not a character trait – allows them to respond differently.

We choose to use correct terminology of the parts of the brain contributing to mental health – and through animations, young children understand the role of the amygdala, hippocampus and prefrontal cortex amongst other mechanisms.

Activities for children and young people
Advice for young people
Family support groups and organisations
Preventative services for children and young people
Getting active
Healthy lifestyle
Information and advice
Youth support
Service access criteria:

4-18 year olds living in London.

Additional needs catered for:
reverse the trend foundation, reverse the trend, neuroscience, mental health
Who can refer: Professional referrals only
Disclaimer: Please note that services on the Joy Marketplace are independent and are not necessarily endorsed by your locality/area.