Adult Speech and language

Speech and language therapists are specialists who provide a service to individuals who experience communication and swallowing difficulties. We work in partnership with clients and their families as well as other professionals and agencies in order to reduce the impact of these difficulties. Our aim is to improve our clients' well being and their ability to participate in daily life.

We use a variety of approaches to assess, diagnose and manage clients with communication and swallowing difficulties. The therapists sometimes work with trained speech and language therapy assistants, to support the client in achieving their goals.

The therapists treat and advise on communication and/or swallowing problems as a result of:

neurological problems, for example stroke, head injury, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease
voice problems
head & neck cancer.
The service is available in hospital on wards and in out-patients, in residential and nursing homes, and where appropriate, patient’s own homes.

Mary O’Hara (Manager)
Telephone: 020 8401 3103

Leaving hospital
Basic necessities (food/clothes)
Managing a long-term health condition
Services for older people
Additional needs catered for:
speech, language, neurological, stroke
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