Carers Partnership Reading & West Berkshire

Age UK Berkshire have teamed up with Carers Partnership to provide support, help and guidance to anyone who is an unpaid carer. The partnership is made up of four charities, these are: Age UK Berkshire, Reading Mencap, Age UK Reading and CommuniCare.

An unpaid carer, is anyone who is caring for someone who has either an illness. frailty, disability or mental health and much more. So if you are caring for a loved one or a friend and you do not get paid for this. You are indeed an unpaid carer and we are here to help, guide and support you within this role.

We offer this service to unpaid carers living in West Berkshire, who are over 50 years of age. This could be general support, information and advice, including support to make an emergency plan, carers support groups and support with getting a carers assessment complete and much more. 

You can find more information about our service and other services that are available at Age UK Berkshire website

Information and advice
Services for older people
Support for carers
Service access criteria:

Anyone 50 years and older, who provide care for another person and is not paid for it.

Additional needs catered for:
Takes place in the client’s home
Waiting list (weeks): 2
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