Walking Football - Gamlingay

If you're interested in football, want to get active or just want to socialise while exercising, then walking sports could be for you!

These sessions are perfect for all fitness levels and a great way to improve mental health.

Walking football is aimed at people over 40’s age and upwards. It is different to regular football as all running is banned, instead players briskly walk through matches and zero physical contact is permitted between players, this is to ensure that the sport is played safely for the participants’ age, the ball is not permitted to travel above head height. As a result of these rules, it means that  the game is played at a slower pace which reduces the threat of pain, discomfort and injury. This means that both those who have loved the sport all their lives and those who have never considered playing football before can get involved safely. 

Initial 12 weeks are Free - then £5 per session (From July 4th)

Gamlingay Leisure Centre - SG19 3HA


5 - 6pm

Living Sport – Delivered by Phil Mullen



Exercise and fitness classes
Activities for older people
Sports clubs and groups
Sports facilities
Mental health support
Connecting with others
Getting active
Healthy lifestyle
Mental health
Services for older people
Social prescribing
Additional needs catered for:
Dementia friendly
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